If properly structured, it should be easy to find assets just by navigating the folder tree. Of course in large datasets it is often faster and easier to use the search.
Search is built in the scoopa core and available in many places.
For more complex queries you can use the advanced search which is also located under "Search":
You can construct simple or very complex search conditions using the "and/or" operator as well as using multiple rules and rule groups. Rule groups can contain multiple rules and can be combined. See following examples:
You can also store your search and call it up at any time.
To do this, the "Store Search" checkbox below the rules must be ticked. A text field will appear in which you can enter the name of your search. As soon as you press the "Search" button, the search is executed and stored under the specified name:
The saved searches can be called up and executed again at any time using the selection box at the top right:
If a search is no longer required, you can delete it by using the corresponding "Delete" button next to the selection box.