
There are several automations available in scoopa to integrate with 3rd party services.

An alternative ingest way via a custom S3 bucket for each platform, and an alternative delivery option in form of a push-to-ftp. Read all about that in the following articles.

Ingest via S3 (Direct-Cloud-Ingest)

Ingest to scoopa can be automated to deliver a seamless experience from the creator to the recipient. Besides our web-uploader and our smartphone-app - you can upload assets directly to an S3 Bucket. We call that DCI (Direct Cloud Ingest).

Getting Started:

You can request access to DCI anytime by getting in contact with us (

We create a dedicated S3-Bucket, link it to your desired platform and provide you with the necessary credentials.


Possible connectivity to S3:

You have multiple options to upload your assets to your newly created S3-Bucket:

  • Manual, using a file transfer application (for example: Cyberduck, Transmit)

    • This is recommended if you need to upload large quantities to scoopa but do not need automations.

    • This is more reliable and comfortable than using the web interface in your browser.

  • Automated, using an intermediate NAS

    • This is recommended for quickly setting up an automation with moderate use of funds.

    • You can sync folders on your NAS (for example Synology) to upload any new files to your S3 Bucket.

    • For Synology DSM we recommend using the built-in „Cloud-Sync“ app.

  • Automated, directly from your EVS-Network

    • By using C-Next, EVS can deliver directly to an S3 Bucket. Alternatively you can use X-File to push to a local NAS, do file renaming and prefixing and much more.

  • Any other solution that can connect to S3


Things to consider: 

  • Only video files will be ingested (extension: mxf, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, mp4, h264, m4v, wmv, ts).

  • You can prefix your files with a scoopa folder id: 12345_ddmmyy_yourfilename.mxf
    You can find the folder id by browsing to your desired scoopa folder with any web browser, the id is the last part of the url following „/folder/12345“.

  • It is also possible to ingest directly to the archive (different, cheaper price point at 0.2 €/GB) by prefixing the file with „dta__“ (2 underscores!).
    So a combination of dta__folder-id_yourfilename.mxf also works.

  • If you do not prefix the file - it’s also fine. These files will be ingested to the mailboxes of the admins in scoopa, so that the admins can move it to the right place (this is also the case if a folder id is provided but cannot be found in scoopa).

  • Folder structures on your S3-Bucket are NOT supported. Make sure to only upload files to the root of the bucket. 

  • Files in folders will be ignored.

  • Incomplete uploads (multipart) as well as successful uploads will be purged from the bucket after 24h. So make sure to keep track of your uploads on your end (for example: the built in „Cloud Sync“ app on Synology NAS does this for you).

  • Files with the same size and filename will not be ingested again and ignored by scoopa if they have been previously ingested.

Push to FTP

It is possible to push new assets automatically to FTP server folders. Essentially you can setup FTP servers and based on those you can setup workflows, that connect scoopa folders and FTP folders. Once this workflow is set up, new files will not only trigger notification mails as usual, but also push the new file to the connected FTP folder.


Start creating your first FTP server by navigating to "Automations" -> "FTP" -> "Add FTP Server".

In the popup, enter your server credentials: server/IP, username and password as well as the FTP port (21 is the default). Next you should give your new connection a name to identify the connection.

After hitting "Save" you will be redirected to the FTP overview where you should see a checkmark behind your newly created server. This means the connection has been tested and is valid.

The "Add FTP Server" dialogue
The FTP overview.
The FTP overview

If the checkmark is missing, go to edit your FTP server and check your credentials. In the edit view you can also trigger a re-validation of your credentials by pressing "Re-Validate Server".

Edit FTP server.
Edit FTP server

You can also delete existing FTP-Servers by clicking the delete icon in the overview. As with all delete operations this has to be confirmed.


After you created your first FTP-Server, you can start creating workflows based on that server. Go to: "Automations" -> "FTP" -> "Add Workflow".

FTP-Workflow example.
FTP-Workflow example

You should first enter a suitable name for the workflow that describes the workflow in a few words.

Next you can select the target folder on the ftp-server by navigating through the remote server in the "Target selection" Section.

After that you can select which folders in scoopa should be source folder for this workflow. Select one or more folders in the "Source selection" Section.

You can now save your workflow. It is in effect from now on.

It is also possible to edit the workflow by pressing the edit-icon in the FTP-overview. Besides changing the aforementioned settings you can also disable the workflow.

You can also delete workflows by pressing the delete-icon in the FTP-overview.


You can monitor all running and processed ftp-transfers in the "Transfer-Logs" section.

Example of FTP transfer-logs.
Example of FTP transfer-logs

Besides the overall status of the transfer, the source-file and target ftp+folder you can also see the date, progress and speed of the transfer. If there is an error you can also see the error message here as well as the number of attempts scoopa tried to push the file to the ftp-server.


Webhooks are automated messages generated by your scoopa platform to notify an external service about the availability of a new file.

You can define multiple webhooks for multiple folders, giving you the ability to integrate third-party services into your scoopa-workflows.

Webhooks are sent as an HTTP POST request to the URL you specify. Information about the new file is included in the request such as File-Name, Size and the Download-URL.
Third-Party Integrators can use this information to download new files directly from our storage into their system.

Managing webhooks

Start creating your first webhook by navigating to "Automations" -> "Webhooks" -> "Add Webhook".

In the popup, enter a name to identify your new webhook as well as the provided URL from your external provider and hit save.

After hitting "Save" you will be redirected to the webhook overview where you should see a checkmark behind your newly webhook. This means the connection has been tested and is valid. (Meaning the provided url returned a 200 HTTP Code). Please note that the webhook is not active yet.

Click on the newly created webhook to edit the webhook and assign folders to which the webhook should react.

If needed you can add addiotional headers that your external provider may require. For example: Credentials needed to authenticate the scoopa-webhook against your external provider.

You can either select folders for which the webhook should be applied or you can choose "all folders".

For each new file in the selected folders (or every folder), the webhook will be called. (see below for a dummy payload of the data trasnmitted).

Forthermore it is possible to limit webhooks by a filter-value. The webhool will only be called if the filename contains the filter-value.

In the edit view you can also trigger a re-validation of your webhook by pressing "Re-Validate Webhook".

You can also delete existing Webhooks by clicking the delete icon in the overview. As with all delete operations this has to be confirmed.

Webhook Call-Logs

You can monitor all running and processed webhook-calls in the "Webhook-Call-Logs" section.

Besides the overall status of the calls, the source-file and target url you can also see the date of the call. If there is an error you can also see the error message here. It is also logged if the call originated from a folder or if it was a platform-wide webhook. An optional applied filter for the webhook is also logged.

Downtime of external API

In the event that a webhool could not reach the external url from your provider on the first try, scoopa will try again after 1min, 10min and 20min before ultimately failing the call.

Webhook Dummy-Payload

Webhooks from scoopa are always POST calls and carry a JSON Body with the following data:

  "origin": "scoopa",
  "platform": „test | mediapool",
  "file_id": 535986,
  "file_name": "server_push.svg",
  "file_type": "video/quicktime",
  "file_size_in_bytes": 5007,
  "folder_id": 62251,
  "folder_name": "Test Webhook",
  "download_url": "https://...."

The download_url is valid for 24h.

Validation-Calls to the webhook URL

Please be aware that scoopa is calling the webhook in order to validate the URL from time to time.

When implementing a scoopa webhook with your partner it must be considered to ignore those calls.

You can detect those calls by checking the "origin" value in the json body for the value "scoopa - endpoint validation test"

  "origin": "scoopa - endpoint validation test",
  "platform": „test | mediapool",
  "file_id": "12345",
  "file_name": "",
  "file_type": "video/quicktime",
  "file_size_in_bytes": "1048576",
  "folder_id": "67890",
  "folder_name": "test-folder",
  "download_url": "https://...."